Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ella's Sleep Schedule

Since Ella was born her sleep schedule was so crazy. I could never time when she would be up or when she would be tired. Of course as a newborn, I had no intention of trying to put her on a sleep schedule. I actually thought before I had her that there would be no point of having her on a schedule since I was able to stay home. That quickly changed when I was getting NO sleep at night. I decided when she was a month old that I didn't want to co sleep with her anymore. To some that may seem harsh, but I snore loud and Chad talks, sometimes yells, in his sleep. The first night she was in her room, she slept great! I was like oh yeah, this is going to be great, nope I was wrong again! The past couple months have been a game changer for us. No  matter what happens to her schdule during the day, she always wants to be asleep by 8:00. After some time I kind of just started this schedule and it works great for us! Happy sleeping!


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